Book Cover Gallery

I keep a few things in mind when designing book covers. A cover should not give the reader the wrong idea about the book. For example, you don’t want them to think it’s a different genre than it is. A cover misrepresenting the story may attract the wrong audience. Being familiar with what the book is about along with key details in the book is also important. You also want the title of the book to be prominent in the design even if it isn’t a typographically focused design. When coming up with a design for a book cover, it’s best to start with sketches. The font choice is also always important. The font and overall design are meant to give off the feel of the book. Books with darker colored covers likely have a darker and more mature theme or tone. Whether you chose a typographically focused cover or a more design focused cover depends on the type of book, same goes for whether you go with pictures or graphics. More realistic books would benefit from a picture cover while fantasy books would benefit from graphics.